Welcome to BamBoo!

Only approved sitters

At any moment you can check the qualifications of the any carers you like.

Best prices

The best babysitters for you. Find child care for your family at reasonable price.

Easy search

Search for a babysitter? Quickly find the one who suit you best. The best child care is here.

Have An Actual Vacation!

We take care of the kids so you cantake care of yourselves.

Book a Sitter

How It Works?

Find a babysitter

Find a babysitter

It is so easy to find a babysitter who suit you best

Check their credentials

Check their credentials

All our staff members have baby sitting certificates

Lock in a date

Lock in a date

Choose your babysitter and lock in a time and date

Featured Babysitters

Abbie Wells
Abbie Wells
Evening babysitter
We provide the best temporary caring for a child
Amelia Bailey
Amelia Bailey
Afterschool babysitter
We provide the best temporary caring for a child
Lauren Baker
Lauren Baker
Evening babysitter
We provide the best temporary caring for a child
María Guadalupe
María Guadalupe
Afterschool babysitter
We provide the best temporary caring for a child

Some Facts

Professional sitters
Happy parents
Days of experience
Happy kids

It’s easy!

Find great child care for your family at reasonable price. Simply drop us a few lines and we will pick the best option for you.

We specialize in meeting the unique physical, emotional and developmental needs of children. Be sure your kids are safe with our hard-working staff.

Our Blog


Their babysitters are so wonderful and encouraging to our family.

BamBoo has given our children excellent care! Thank you. Highly recommended.

Jessica Richards
Jessica RichardsParent of 2 kids

It is such a great feeling to know that our family has found a child care.

Staff is very friendly and supportive, I would recommend you to everyone.

Kendyl May
Kendyl MayParent of 2 kids

Very impressed with your work. Thank you so much. You are a lifesaver!

We have found a great nanny through you company. Well organized and useful.

Virginia Willis
Virginia WillisParent of 3 kids

Our Partners

Client 5
Client 5
Client 5
Client 4
Client 3

Have An Actual Vacation!

We take care of the kids so you can take care of yourselves and some words!